Yesterday we had another damn beautiful snow flurry! And, there may be more on the way.
Just as our driveway was emerging yesterday from the ice coating left from its last snowplowing, pretty white sprinkles began descending from heaven, covering us again with several hours’ worth of flakery. Here’s the beginning:
This most recent burst wasn’t that much, and it wasn’t furious, and it wasn’t harmful, and it eventually turned slushy in cleansing rain at mid-afternoon. BUT … there’s just so much beauty you can take before it gets boring, if not annoying who bet that, if most people were Hollywood-beautiful, it would be those we now think of as plain and ugly who would be most attractive. )
Also, these winter flurries have a particularly bad effect on compulsive-obsessive photographers like me – we’re compelled to capture the damn things for the record even though we already have many hundreds of snow images so far this year. Here are a few more from yesterday:
I do have to admit, however, that working in a many-windowed office among spruce trees while snow is flurrying around is a neat experience. (That’s Barbara, below, working on the taxes while I engage in my obsessive frivolity.)
(Images taken in Brooklin, Maine, on February 27, 2025.)