As you see, we had a spring snowstorm here yesterday, which raises the intriguing question: If April rain showers bring May flowers, what do March snowstorms bring?
In Maine, for one thing, they reportedly bring more skiing. March is the third best month for skiing in Maine, according to the Saddleback, Maine, resort’s ratings. Better than November and December, not as good as January and February. Of course, this comes from a March posting by the resort.
Nonetheless, for me, snowstorms after St. Patrick’s Day should be banned as unseemly. March is not very good at doing snow. And, the older she gets, the poorer her efforts. She often loses control and produces imperfect storms. They range from self-consuming snow-turning-into-rain washouts, like yesterday’s effort, to snow-turning-to-ice devastators, like the one last year at about this time that caused major damage.
(Images taken in Brooklin, Maine, on March 24, 2025.)