Here’s yesterday’s view of the western mountains on Mount Desert Island making their own weather again. As usual, this regularly-monitored view is from Brooklin’s Amen Ridge across Blue Hill and Jericho Bays.

MDI, as many of you know, is Maine’s largest island and it is accessible by bridge. About half of MDI is occupied by the very popular Acadia National Park, where Mt. Cadillac, the tallest mountain on the east coast of the U.S, rises as a landmark and seamark.

Acadia National Park is not limited to MDI. It also includes the spectacular rockbound point of Schoodic Peninsula on the nearby coast of Maine, where often-wild surf crashes onto beautiful, huge ledges of pink granite that have been cut through with black basalt dikes. In addition, the Park includes a good part of Isle au Haut out in the Atlantic Ocean, and parts of 16 smaller outlying islands. (Image taken from Brooklin, Maine, on January 14, 2025.)
