Here’s what one of our nation’s most historic Election Days looked like yesterday in Brooklin, Maine, a town of less than 1000 full-time residents. As of early afternoon, there had been a “steady stream of voters” voting in the Town’s four voting booths, according to Town Clerk Heather Candage.

In addition to the significant national and state office candidacy options, there were several state-related questions on the ballot. One was a proposal to adopt a new, minimalistic Maine state flag that won a state-sponsored public contest on the subject.

The winning design consists of a stylized depiction of the state tree (an eastern white pine) and a blue North Star on an off-white background. There are 16 green branches on the pine to signify Maine’s 16 counties. Early voting indicates that the flag proposal may be defeated.

(Primary image taken in the Brooklin Town Office, Maine, on November 5, 2024.)
