Interesting background: Yesterday morning, I was waiting covertly for a slow-browsing white-tailed doe to come into the clear so I could “shoot” her entire new winter coat. But, she suddenly stopped, alerted, and stared intently – not at me. I looked where she was looking.
At the woods’ edge, this magnificent creature that you see also was staring – at me, then her, then me. I immediately pressed off several “shots” at him and he quickly chose caution over lust and disappeared without a trace.
The doe? She just put her head down and continued to browse calmly again where I couldn’t get a good angle on her.
Yes, it’s the first full week of the major deer hunting season here and I got me my buck, an 8-pointer with excellent markings. One good thing about hunting with a camera: I’m not limited to one antlered deer. I may get another, if I’m lucky. (Images taken in Brooklin, Maine, on November 15, 2024.)