Yesterday was the first day of summer here and she decided to begin her performance with a dazzling display of bravura: a big blue sky populated with a tasteful number of cumulus clouds, slight breeze off the sea, and a high temperature of 69 degrees (F).
In the image above, as the lupines start to fade on Amen Ridge, we take our first summer view over Blue Hill Bay to watch Mount Cadillac in Acadia National Park attract some of its cloud fans.
In the image below, as the water lilies start to appear, we watch summer begin in the WoodenBoat School’s marsh pond.
As you probably know, yesterday was also known as the summer solstice, which seems fitting when looking at these images. “Solstice” combines the Latin words for “Sun” (sol) and for “To Stand Still” (sistere) because the sun reaches its highest point of the year and provides its longest period of light on the first day of summer. (Images taken in Brooklin, Maine, on June 21, 2023.)