We had a blustery snowstorm on Friday night that made driving to the Inn for dinner a little tricky. However, the storm had a very short lifespan. After a frantic convulsion, it died with a whimper, and we were bequeathed about an inch of powdery snow. That’s too little to plow off of our lanes and drives. Yet, as you can see, this powder still was decorating our byways yesterday morning, even though we had above-freezing temperatures.
We have a number of beautiful private country lanes that enter the woods from principal roads and serve internal driveways to houses hidden in the trees. The driveways feed into the country lanes like river tributaries. This is a sensible way to avoid numerous single-home driveways that cut into principal roads and become potential safety hazards and/or eyesore gaps in green roadsides.
Although the lanes are private and privately maintained, the tradition here is to allow the public to walk or even drive along their picturesque, wooded curves. However, many (if not most) of these lanes are posted with No Hunting signs. (Images taken in Brooklin, Maine, on February 19, 2023.)