These are troubling times here. Many lobster fishermen (male and female) are severely limiting the number of days that they go out to fish and some have decided to pull all of their traps and forget about lobster fishing for the rest of this year. Traditionally, the lobster season is ended in December for most fishermen here.
Here you see the lobster traps from the Brooklin Fishing Vessel “Blue Sky” being landed yesterday in Naskeag Harbor. The vessel’s owners, John and Sandy White of Brooklin, have decided to end their season entirely and have pulled all of their traps; they’re storing them on their property until next June.
The low lobster prices being offered by distributors this year have been so out of whack compared to the costs of fishing and maintenance that many find that it’s simply not worth daily fishing trips and, for some, not worth going out at all anymore.
(Images taken in Brooklin, Maine, on August 27, 2022.)