To the women who love birds, I offer this image of a handsome fellow because it’s Valentine’s Day and he’s the color of love, joy, and passion. He’s posing to get the attention of a female to whom he’ll swear his faithfulness, but only for a year.

Leighton Archive Image

Yes, he’s a Northern Cardinal, a dashing bird that usually starts breeding in March, but already is fighting other males over nesting territory. That’s where his control will end, though. He won’t mate until and unless he’s chosen by a dusky female – and those female Cardinals are very independent and demanding birds. Here’s one:

Leighton Archive Image

Female Cardinals are one of the few female birds that will sing back to good looking males who come courting. Research also shows that the females try to pick the reddest male Cardinal available for a mate, since brilliant color is an indicator of good health and successful lineage.
