Marketing 101. If a visitor stands where this image was taken Tuesday, she’ll see to the north the Blue Hill Country Club; to the east, the Blue Hill Yacht Club; to the northeast, Blue Hill Bay and Blue Hill Harbor; and, above them, she’ll see – you guessed it – Blue Hill, which looms over the town of – you guessed it again – Blue Hill. Oh, and if she looks to the west, she’ll see the Blue Hill Salt Pond (shown below). The odds are that she’ll remember the name of that lovely little town in Down East Maine.
Geology 101. Blue Hill, the actual trees-and-rock hill, reportedly rises to 940 feet. It was designated a “hill” apparently because it was less than 1,000 feet high. That was the minimal summit height to be a mountain, as defined by the geographic societies of the United States and United Kingdom until the 1970s, when both countries abandoned the distinction. Nonetheless, I’m told that many geologists still use the 1,000-foot criterion. (Images taken in Blue Hill, Maine, on December 27, 2022.)