August arrived with splendor yesterday– cool, sunny, and breezy with a few clouds scudding across a bright blue sky. It was a hopeful sign after having just experienced the second wettest July in recorded Maine history, according to Portland records. But, our hopes were put in doubt when we awoke to fog and rain today. Nonetheless, after July, a one-out-of-two great day ratio seems fine.
Yesterday being the day of rest for most fishermen, we went to nearby Stonington on Deer Isle to see the fleet at anchor, which always is a reassuring sight. The small port ranks first in Maine for lobster landings by value: a reported $43.26 million last year, despite Covid 19.
The foreground of the image above shows part of the fishermen’s commuting system, which seems more refreshing than rides on buses or subways (except, perhaps, when it’s raining, densely foggy, very choppy, or cold and windy in predawn darkness).
It was low tide when we got there, so we got a bonus view of Stonington’s famous granite ledges.
(Stonington, Maine)