The saga of Ozzie and Harriet continues to unfold pleasantly, as you may infer from Thursday’s and Friday’s (July 15-16) images here.


During our last episode, we were worried about June, the youngest and smallest of the family, whom we hadn’t seen for a while. Well, she’s getting bolder now and rising regularly from the depths of her home, as you see her above, to the right of her brothers David and Ricky. (The sexes of the youngsters are assumed for descriptive purposes.)

Harriet spends more time away from the nest now that her nestlings are too large for any predator. Below, you’ll see Ozzie and Harriet (golden eyes) with fast-growing and curious David (red eyes in the middle). If you look closely, you’ll see Ricky’s back as he rests in the nest.


Answering questions from people who apparently are of a certain age, as I am: Yes, we’ve named these happy ospreys after the characters in “The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet,” a television situation comedy of the 1950’s and ‘60s. It involved the problems of the Nelson family, especially those of the family’s two youngsters, David and Ricky. We named the third of “our” ospreys “June,” the month of her birth. (Brooklin, Maine)
