As of yesterday morning, Ozzie and Harriet appeared well, perhaps even more active than usual. Harriet continues to assume an incubation position, huddled low in the nest. Every now and then, she’ll lift her head and check her surroundings:
However, she stretched her wings with short trips twice in 30 minutes yesterday. Here she is returning from one of those flights:
Ozzie remains attentive. He visited the nest briefly in the morning while Harriet was hunkered down. In the first Comment space, you can see him taking off over Harriet, who is virtually invisible; the tips of her primary feathers are visible in the image to those who have great eyes.
Harriet’s incubation period has seemed longer than usual. There has been no cooing or feeding behavior at the nest to indicate the hatching of any young. It’s possible, I suppose, that the original clutch of eggs was damaged in a severe storm that we had in May and that Harriet is incubating her second clutch. But, that’s just speculation. (Brooklin, Maine)