This mysterious gull ritual was taking place again on Monday, April 19. It occurs from time to time in this small field pond, which is on a flat piece of land that overlooks the waters of Naskeag Harbor and Eggemoggin Reach.
The pond’s elevation above the other waters gives it the appearance of one of those “infinity pools” in luxury hotels in which you get the giddy sensation that you’re swimming on top of the world and could fall off.
The ritual appears to be carried out by a significant portion of the Harbor’s gull colony, which is mostly Herring Gulls. This colony contains some of the most cantankerous and territorial things that ever emerged from an egg. Here’s one of the screamers:
Yet, in all seasons, large numbers of these troublemakers congregate closely in this field pond as if going to church. They bathe there together making soft sounds, having been transformed from crime family seagulls into peace-loving pondgulls.
There appear to be no fish or other food in the pond; the birds meet there whether or not a storm is coming, and I’ve never seen them hunting insects in the surrounding grass. Sometimes, they’ll meet in the winter there and stand around on the ice with their wings crossed behind their backs, apparently discussing the latest gull football scores.
Is this about taking a freshwater bath to get rid of salt buildup? Are these a rural species of parking lot gulls? Do they go there because they pretty much have a 360-degree view to protect against predators?
Are our gulls going soft and fancy on us? (Brooklin, Maine)