We’ve had a spate of cold weather that is refreezing local ponds, as you can see from this image taken yesterday. The ponds here seemingly are being driven crazy – wet to solid/solid to wet – by December’s faltering attempts to get cold and remain cold in our sick climate.

The ice in Down East Maine ponds and lakes is nowhere near the four inches that experts say is necessary for safe skating. Research indicates that a deep pond or lake won’t freeze thick enough for skating unless it is subject to certain conditions, including about two weeks of overnight temperatures near zero degrees (F).

Wind is another one of those conditions; it can ripple freezing water and create weak spots. Even swimming fish can do that. Variation in lake or pond water temperatures also affect the rate of freezing. Please note that I’m only talking about fresh, relatively still water here – not iced-in rivers or tidal sea waters that are more unstable. (Image taken in Brooklin, Maine, on December27, 2021.)
