We had a dusting of snow very early this morning that already has melted away in many places – except places like this with tempting untrammeled snow that you don’t want to walk on. Why? Because there is slippery ice below it; and, below that, very cold water. This bog is part of Maine’s many wetlands.


The State government reports that 25 percent of Maine's land area is wetlands, four times the wetland area of the other five New England States combined. Over five million acres of Maine's wetlands are freshwater wetlands, which are defined as wooded swamps, shrub swamps, bogs, freshwater meadows, freshwater marshes, and floodplains. Only 157,500 acres are tidal or coastal wetlands, which are defined as tidal flats, salt marsh, freshwater/brackish marsh, aquatic beds, beaches, and reefs. Among the many benefits of wetlands is that they are home to myriads of wildlife, including endangered and threatened species. (Brooklin, Maine; image taken January 20) Click on image to enlarge it.
