Many fishermen are calling their lobster season over and taking their traps out of the water, even though the weather is still mild. Frustration and confusion seem to be playing a part. Here, we see the Fishing Vessel Blue Sky unloading traps on September 19:
Here are traps at the Town Dock awaiting pickup on September 21:
Lobster fishing has been drawn into several of the current disasters and dilemmas. The Covid 19 plague wiped out much of the restaurant and cruise ship businesses, which are big markets for lobsters.
The trade war with China, one of the biggest Maine lobster markets, reportedly has had a devastating effect on American lobster exports.
Tightening whale protection regulations (and proposals) are making (and would make) lobster fishing more costly and perhaps too costly for some.
And, even the lobsters seem fed up. There are reports of them moving out to deeper – and colder – waters because the Gulf of Maine has been heating up.
(Brooklin, Maine)