A female Belted Kingfisher has been fishing alone in our corner of Great Cove and divebombs anyone who comes close. She also curses loudly. We had one last year with a similar temperament in the same area.
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The sloped banks of the Cove contain some good nesting areas for Kingfishers, which lodge and give birth in earthen tunnels.
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Pairs of these birds reportedly are monogamous in the summer, but we have not seen a male there this year or last. In Maine, Kingfishers reportedly breed only once a year in April or May, compared to twice in some lower latitudes. Their young (if any) should be independent now.
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Females have relatively thin rusty belts across their breasts, with white feathers beneath; males have a large “vest” of rusty feathers on their breasts without any white feathers beneath. (Brooklin, Maine)