This is busy Naskeag Harbor yesterday, as fishing vessels wait in line to sell their catches at the rafted lobster hut. Serene as this looks, it’s a confusing time for the lobster industry and, especially, for those of us who are just interested onlookers.
Early in the summer, prices were low and there was an apparent fear of a glut on the market that would drive them lower. There also are the extra costs that would be imposed by the proposed regulations to further protect right whales from entanglement in commercial fishing gear, the need for which as to lobster fishing is strenuously disputed.
Speaking of entanglement, let’s not forget China, customarily a major U.S. lobster customer. The Chinese government restricted U.S. lobster purchases in retaliation to President Trump’s protective tariff on other goods.
This was followed by the President’s recent surprise direction that lobster fishermen should receive subsidies due to China’s action. How and when such subsidies would reach here is unclear.
In the meantime, it appears that our fishermen continue to do what they do well – catch lobsters. (Brooklin, Maine)