This early morning, as has been the case for several days, is brightly clear and unseasonably cold (in the high 30s [F]); but there is little wind. Yesterday and the day before, however, also came with March-like Westerly winds (gusts in the 20’s [MPH]) that produced March-like shudders. They were days to watch powerful forces work within a beautiful land and seascape.


The white-capped tides were approaching full low then and moving fast. They irreverently slapped granite-ledged shorelines that had been kneaded like dough millions of years ago by immense glaciers; they also raced in channels between previously submerged rock and sand spits at the entrances to harbors.


The first image here, of the western entrance to Naskeag Harbor, was taken on May 12. The other mage, of the northwest entrance to Great Cove, was taken on May 13. (Brooklin, Maine)
