Here, we see a Red-Breasted Nuthatch.

R-B Nuthatch.jpg

We seem to have fewer than our usual share of Nuthatches this winter. Perhaps the warmer winter weather is providing them food in the deep, impenetrable woods. Wherever they are, they’ll be complaining about everything, including each other. Their favorite “song” sounds like a series of grunts made through a kazoo: “Aank-Ennk, Aank-Ennk.”


We have both Red-Breasted and White-Breasted Nuthatches here. They get their first names from the color of their breasts and upper bodies, although the Reds really are a peach color. They get their last names from their habit of “hatching” nuts into tree crevices so that they can jack-hammer the tough food open with their bills.

Curiously, a group of these grumpy birds is called a “Jar of Nuthatches.” Why? No one seems to know for sure. But, the best theory is that, in 16th Century English, “to jar” meant, among other things, to make harsh, grating sounds." (Brooklin, Maine; Leighton Archive images used) See also the image in the first Comment space.

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