The weather tellers are predicting torrential rains for us with 65-mile-per-hour winds, starting tonight. But, that was not the case when we took this image on December 15. Here, we’re looking across part of Blue Hill Bay, to part of Blue Hill Town, to Blue Hill, itself, rising above both to about 950 feet.


The Hill is wearing its gray winter overcoat of bare deciduous trees and granite faces. It was once almost totally covered with evergreen trees that often looked blue from a distance; hence, the names of the Hill, Town, and Bay.

Europeans settled in the area in 1762 and the Town was incorporated in 1789. Many of the evergreens on the Hill were cut down during the Town’s Colonial days, when the area was the site of considerable lumber milling and shipbuilding, as well as granite quarrying on the Hill.

Nowadays, in late spring and summer, when deciduous trees are in leaf, the Hill still appears blue from a distance in certain light. (Blue Hill)
