This spectacular Weeping Beech Tree at Amen Farm is a Brooklin landmark and it would be a curiosity anywhere with its unusual bottom branch pruning and training. In this November 10 image, you see it starting to shed its leaves that have turned to copper in the fall.


In the summer, the leaves form a dense green canopy:

Leighton Archive Image

Leighton Archive Image

When the leaves are gone, the tree looks like it’s having a massive bad hair time:

Leighton Archive Image

Leighton Archive Image

Weeping Beeches (Fagus sylvatica, “Pendula”), named after their pendulous branches, are not native to North America; they’re cultivars of the European Beeches. This one is 70 years old and is still growing; most Weeping Beeches live between 150 and 200 years. (Brooklin, Maine)
