We looked out the window yesterday evening and saw this beautiful sunset afterglow over Great Cove, with a cameo performance of the moon in crescent form. It was like a Christmas card without wishes for Peace on Earth, Good Will to All, or Joy to the World. Perhaps that’s appropriate these days.
The moon soon will be performing a complicated role in October’s play. As you see it here, it’s in its “waxing crescent” phase (waxing meaning its illuminated part is getting larger). On October 31, it will be full. That is, we’ll have a full moon on Halloween to delight witches and goblins.
It also will be the second full moon in the month, so that will make it a rare “Blue Moon” on Halloween. (The next time that will happen is in 2039.) But wait, there’s more: By a quirk in our calendar, it also will be the year’s “Harvest Moon,” bright enough to bring in crops. (Brooklin, Maine)