We were lucky to be in Great Cove the gray morning of September 4. The Stephan Taber suddenly appeared out of the mist and took a shortcut through the southern channel of the Cove.

# Taber 1.jpg

Initially, she was winged out to catch a following breeze, then she trimmed those sails to catch a stronger wind as she passed Babson Island, which shelters to Cove

# Taber 3.jpg

Using that better wind , she raced out of the Cove’s southern channel. It was over in minutes, but it got the adrenaline flowing for the few of us who were there.

# Taber 2.jpg

The Taber is a National Historic Landmark out of Rockland, Maine. This 110-foot windjammer was launched in 1871 and still does not have an engine.

(Brooklin, Maine)

# Taber 4.jpg
