Clear, cold, mostly northwest air and a thin layer of glistening snow this week seem to have enhanced the brightness of the few colors in our winter landscape, especially the colors on houses. Perhaps that mutuality was meant to be.
Above, we see a light green door that seems more vibrant now that it’s not competing with the nearby maple leaves. Below, we see what is called “The Red House” here, seemingly shouting “look at me now!”, even though it’s vacant in the winter.
By the way, if you’re worried about the potential danger of slippery snow at home entrances and sharp icicles over front doors, relax. Back and side doors usually are used for friendly winter visits here, and wet boots often are taken off just after entering. (Newton’s third law of conversation states that relaxing in warm socks stimulates good talk. That’s Nancy Newton, not Sir Isaac.) (Brooklin, Maine)