Our White-Tailed Deer population is entering its most difficult season in very good shape, from what we can see. Most of their darkening coats glisten with health, as this image (taken last week) shows.


This doe wasn’t quite sure what was making that clicking sound and she never figured it out. Yet, I was less than 100 yards away from her and clad in a bright red jacket and a blaze orange vest – which brings to mind a few interesting facts about sighting deer and deer sight.

As the temperatures plummet, we’ll see more deer (especially does and yearlings) browsing the remote fields in the sunny middle hours of the day, rather than just at dusk and dawn. But, they don’t have good bright-day vision, according to researchers. Their eyes contain more rods than cones, which gives them very good night vision as a trade-off. Also, orange, red, and green appear as variations of gray to these deer. The bright colors that humans should wear in the woods now are only for other humans, especially hunters. (Brooklin, Maine)
