The weather tellers now warn us that Harper, the biggest Winter Storm yet, will visit us with heavy snow tonight, which will continue into Sunday until it turns to freezing rain.


This has forced us into Code White:

(1) early today, we checked the propane tank and generator oil levels and made sure we’re good to go electricity-wise;

(2) this afternoon, we’ll go to the supermarket for a week’s worth of basic groceries and de-icer pellets, plus the weekend essentials –wine, beer, and snacks;

(3) Sunday morning, clear the walkway and make sure that the driveway markers are obvious for the plow truck’s first of what may be several runs;

(4) Sunday afternoon,  build a fire, get out the beverages and snacks, and watch the Rams and the Saints go at it in the sultry South while freezing rain sheets down here;

(5) Sunday evening, eat an appropriate dinner (hot dogs and beans?) while watching the underdog Patriots surprise the Chiefs;

(6) to bed soon after, so that we can try to sneak in an early Monday walk in the silent, snowy woods, where we’ll regain sanity and resume wondering what it’s all about.

(Brooklin, Maine)
