Something happened yesterday that was literally important to a few and symbolically important to many. It was a day of resurrection: Dear Abbie:, a significant part of our fishing fleet, came back to life.

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In January, a vicious, high-wind ice storm swept Naskeag Harbor. Dear Abbie: got wrenched from her mooring, drifted, grounded, and was relentlessly beaten and crippled by the elements. Around here, that’s a heartbreaker, even if you’re not a fisherman whose life revolves around his or her boat. Here's an image of the original vessel powering into Naskeag Harbor on a cold winter's day:

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Her Captain, Scott Keenan, and her family began a rebuilding process at our Atlantic Boat Company.

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Yesterday, the sparkling Dear Abbie: was launched with, among other things, a new hull, reconfigured cabin, and more powerful engine.

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The rumor is that she’s “Hot” and will do well in the Lobster Boat Races. (Brooklin, Maine)
