This image of foggy Great Cove was taken here a few minutes ago in soft rain and six-mile-an-hour winds. We’re waiting for what many journalists are calling a “Nor’easter,” a term loathed by some Mainers and linguists who consider it a pretentious sea-faring affectation by writers who sail urban desks.


Part of the problem is that long-time Maine and Massachusetts coastal residents charmingly drop their “Rs” and pronounce their “THs.” They would say something like “Nahtheastah.” But Maine critics have lost that word war, according to sympathetic linguist Mark Liberman.

So, the weather watchers are telling us that a “nor’easter” will hit the Maine coast this afternoon with swirling winds of up to 55 miles per hour coming out of the Atlantic Ocean from the northeast.  As of about 2:30 p.m. today, the wind started to pick up to about 10 MPH gusts, as we can see here, looking northeast from Brooklin to Acadia National Park across Blue Hill Bay:


(Brooklin, Maine)
