This is Sun’s Up warming Conary Cove on December 20. It may be the only yellow-hulled fishing vessel around here.

Conary 01.jpg

In days of yore, many English, Irish, and Scottish commercial fishing boats were painted the dour colors of the local sea to hide favorite fishing grounds from competitors.  We have many white- and black-hulled fishing vessels here with some reds and greens and a few blues. Given modern custom-mixing methods, the hull color choice seems almost infinite.


There also are many ready-mixed yellow hull paints available. The name that we like best is “Fighting Lady Yellow”; there also are “Bold Yellow,” “Bright Yellow,” Canary Yellow,” “Signal Yellow,” “Yellow-Gold,” and even “Van Gogh Yellow” hull paints. But, nothing seems to match Sun’s Up’s playful hue. (Blue Hill, Maine)
