A school of rare Yellow-Backed Dolphins is being carted around the WoodenBoat campus for some reason. Judging from their faces, the Dolphins are enjoying the experience.
Photo info: Nikon D-810; 200-400 f/4 VR Nikkor Zoom Lens at 200 mm; f/14; 1/60 sec.; ISO 400.
The mature Yellow-Backs also have yellow undersides.
Photo info: Nikon D-810; 17-55 f/2.8 VR Nikkor Zoom Lens at 200 mm; f/14; 1/250 sec.; ISO 250.
Of course, all Dolphins love to be near their fellow mammals, human beings.
Photo info: Nikon D-810; 200-400 f/4 VR Nikkor Zoom Lens at 360 mm; f/14; 1/400 sec.; ISO 250.
(Brooklin, Maine)