In March of 2016, our old, red, rundown General Store closed amid a mind-boggling scandal involving its manager. The Store had served the Town since 1872. Here's the entrance on the day it closed for good:

The community shuddered. It would take close to half an hour of driving to get the basic groceries and gasoline (not to mention the beer and wine) that we had gotten within five minutes. More important, there was no special place to spend early mornings having coffee with friendly neighbors. Then, four publicly-spirited and wonderful local people decided to buy the property and update it. They faced enormous problems, including a surprise determination that the rotting Store needed to be torn down.

Yesterday, our new, blue, spiffy General Store had a merry and grateful opening reception. We feel as if a long-lost relative has not only returned, but has returned looking more beautiful than ever. Outside, the Store fits in well at the Town "crossroads":

Inside, the Store has a wonderful look and feel:

(Brooklin, Maine)